Kids' Magic Tricks

Magic tricks for kids are very easy to implement and do not require a lot of practice or preparation. Many magic tricks that can be performed by the children are sold magic kits. The most popular are the case of eggs, the trick play leak thing broken pencil, etc. These tricks require special equipment using easily included in the kits.

Some stuff like Matchbox empty thing can be done at any time, as the two matchboxes, one of which is empty, and a rubber band occur. A matchbox rattles and shakes. Ask your friends to guess how many games are in it. When you open it, it is empty! The trick is to bind the other arm matchbox in a way that is not seen, but heard if the arm is restless. So when empty match box with the arm waving, his friend hears the complete games box.

Another trick is easy to perform the "wine into water" trick. This trick requires water, red food coloring and bleaching powder. Water is poured into a glass and add red food coloring to make the water look like wine. In another container, a small amount of bleaching powder-its magic powder is added. As you pour the red liquid into another cup, it becomes clear water! Adult supervision is required for this trick of bleaching powder is toxic.

When kits are not accessible, easy kids magic tricks can be performed using the common everyday objects also. For example, the rubber pencil trick requires only a pencil that can be made to look as if it has become a rubber pencil. For this, the gauze pen should be kept at the forefront. Move your hand up and down to tilt. This creates the illusion that the pen has become rubber.

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